I started with code taken from stack overflow at the following page: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090503/listing-available-com-ports-with-python with the code posted by user "Thomas" (code has since been modified). I tested the code on Windows 7 and a Raspberry Pi. The original 'unix' code did not work for me, so I found a method that did.
import sysTo run this on the Raspberry Pi, first the python serial package must be installed by running:
import glob
import serial
def ScanPorts():
Returns a generator for all available serial ports
if os.name == 'nt':
# windows
for i in range(256):
s = serial.Serial(i)
yield 'COM' + str(i + 1)
except serial.SerialException:
# unix
ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty[A-Za-z]*')
for port in ports:
yield port
sudo apt-get install python-serialAlso the software package "Device Monitoring Studio" found online here: http://freeserialanalyzer.com/ was useful for peeking into what messages were being sent and received from another program. The free version has a 22 minute time limit.
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